Those responsible for this website are: GRUPO DE EMPRESAS DAVID ANDREU MAS SL, a company registered in the Mercantile Register of IBIZA of the province of ILLES BALEARS, Volume 142, Folio 19, Book 142, Book 142, Section 8, Page IB-6542, Inscription 1ª, with C.I.F. B57185936 (CIF/NIF) and registered office at Crta. San Jose Km 1,1,07817, Sant Jordi (ILLES BALEARS) and GESTIÓN DE PROYECTOS AMBIENTALES DE BARCELONA SL, a company registered in the Mercantile Register of the province of IBIZA of the province of ILLES BALEARS, Volume 142, Folio 19, Book 142, Section 8, Page IB-6542, Inscription 1ª, with C. I.F. B57311417 (CIF/NIF) and registered office at Av. Meridiana, 363 1º – 1ª, 08016, Barcelona (BARCELONA).
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