A GoldService cuidem del teu entorn amb serveis experts en anàlisi d’aigua, control d’aire, higiene, seguretat alimentària i control de plagues.
Liderant la Salut Ambiental i el Control de Plagues amb innovació i compromís des de 1994.
We have had such great experiences with Goldstar Ibiza. Isabel is super fast at responding and sorted out problem efficiently and professionally. Highly recommend this service on the island.
They were on time, very polite during the contract phase, super polite during the treatment, super clean and professional service. Would recommend to anyone. Thanks!
Una empresa muy seria y profesional. Años con cucarachas en mi cocina y me la quitaron en dos veces! Además puntuales y comprometidos. Hicieron in tratamiento y ellos mismos me llamaron preguntando si había y si que yo ya no vi más cucas volvieron y le dieron otro repaso . Fue antes del verano, y hasta hoy
We have had such great experiences with Goldstar Ibiza. Isabel is super fast at responding and sorted out problem efficiently and professionally. Highly recommend this service on the island.
They were on time, very polite during the contract phase, super polite during the treatment, super clean and professional service. Would recommend to anyone. Thanks!
Confien en nosaltres

Contacta amb Goldservice
Ibiza i Formentera
+34 971 30 55 82
Crta. San Jose Km. 1,1
07817 – Sant Jordi – Ibiza
+34 93 300 44 12
Plaça d’Ovidi Montllor, 1, local 2
08820 El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona
+34 661 30 32 97
Moron de la frontera, 41530
Et truquem
Botiga en línia
Productes professionals per al control de plagues i controls de qualitat