Prevention and elimination of rats in Ibiza and Formentera
Desinsectación, Desratización y Desinfección
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How to Prevent and Eliminate Rat Infestations in Ibiza and Formentera
Rat infestations are a plague in many parts of Ibiza and Formentera, but it’s not something you have to live with. Get rid of your problem with our pest control services.
Infested with Rodents?
The presence of this species can become a serious problem. They can gnaw on metal and wire, contaminate food, damage items in your home or business, and even spread up to 40 different diseases.
They are a notorious problem in any household or establishment, causing a lot of damage with their biting and chewing. They can gnaw on insulation, pipes, doors, and wooden floors.
They are known carriers of diseases, and their urine and droppings can contaminate food. They are not only responsible for transporting pathogens but also have an appetite for the same foods that humans eat, quickly becoming pests in storage areas.
Consequences of Excessive Mice and Rat Infestations in Commercial Establishments in Ibiza and Formentera
Alarm – immediate loss of trust from customers and employees, especially in the food processing, industrial and manufacturing, and food and beverage sectors.
Damage – to goods and equipment such as computers, electrical appliances, cables, and pipes in offices and commercial premises.
Losses – infestations can lead to product recalls and contract losses, resulting in financial and reputational losses for the company.
Legal – non-compliance with regulations can lead to the closure of the company or imposition of fines.
Even outside your premises, they can pose a significant risk, especially for industries that demand zero tolerance for pests.
We have a team of experts who can help you identify the type of rodent causing your problem. Together, we’ll devise a plan to rid you of pests so you can live in peace.
Protection to Avoid Rat Infestations in Ibiza and Formentera
Discovering mice or rats in your home or business can be very distressing. Fortunately, there are ways to deter them and prevent an infestation.
Rodents are attracted to the smell of food and garbage. To prevent an infestation, you should take care of the following:
- Keep your garbage in tightly closed containers.
- Store your food in airtight containers.
- Clean up any spilled food or water.
- Seal any holes or gaps on your property that might allow rodents to access it.
Make sure to seal any holes in the foundations or near pipes. Cover any openings beneath your stairs with thick wire mesh and seal cracks and spaces around skirting boards, windows, doors, and pipes.
These animals need easy and constant access to a water source, even though they only drink between 15 and 60 ml per day. They eat almost anything within their reach but prefer small amounts of unsalted nuts and seeds, vegetables, meat, fruit, eggs, and cooked cereals with sugar or honey.
Need a Rat Exterminator in Ibiza and Formentera?
Mice and rats are a serious problem for businesses and homes. They can pose health risks, contaminate food, damage property, ruin insulation, and even consume clothing.
Our team of experts will do the job effectively without complications or mess. We identify the source of the infestation, track their activity patterns, and then create a treatment plan that will completely eradicate them.
We use only the latest technology to provide you with a lasting effective solution: we’ll design a strategy specifically tailored to your individual needs.
Contact us today to get information about the best pest control services in Ibiza. We’re here to help.
Pest Control Solutions in Ibiza and Formentera from Goldservice
Our certified technicians provide safe and effective solutions to get rid of rats using industry-leading treatments.
We offer a thorough inspection of the area to access the source of attraction, breeding sites, the level of infestation, and to identify the rat species.
The treatments will include controlling any potential breeding sites and advising on necessary actions.
Regular rat and mouse pest control in Ibiza is usually the most reliable form of prevention. Professional services are the best long-term solution for a pest problem.
Goldservice’s services will solve your pest problems, such as cockroaches, wasps, ants, bed bugs, etc.
Trust Goldservice for pest control
Goldservice offers a comprehensive service in environmental health and pest control in private homes, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, airports and more. Count on us not only for pest control, but also for advice on analysis and treatment of water for the control of legionella, food and air, as well as training.
We take care that the image of your business does not have negative repercussions, always with the greatest discretion, both in the image of our technicians, as well as in our vehicles, even our name does not suggest that we are an exclusively pest control company.
We are committed to your health and the conservation of the environment, preserving at all times the fragile and precious ecosystem of Ibiza and Formentera that we respect so much. For this reason, our company has a strict policy on the use of biocidal products, choosing those with the least toxicity and at the same time with the best results, offering the best value for money.
In addition to complying with all legal requirements, we consider many more security measures. Only with the sanitary registration does not guarantee a safe service. For this reason, we have a team of qualified technicians in biocide services, biologists, chemists, technicians in environmental sciences, dietetics and nutrition, in addition we are subscribed to specific information channels to anticipate the regulatory changes that continuously occur in our sector, to guarantee to our clients that at all times we will be aware of the current regulations that are increasingly demanding.
Most common pests in Ibiza
They usually have a reddish color and can measure 4 cm, and can live up to 20 months.
The American cockroach usually enters shops or homes through false ceilings, drains, etc.
Once they have entered our homes or businesses, they reproduce very quickly. Before we know it, we already have an infestation. For every cockroach we see, there are possibly 30 more that we don’t see.
We usually refer to cockroach control treatments as fumigation, although it is not the most appropriate way, the treatments are no longer as aggressive as before, in order to eliminate or control the problem. At Goldservice we have several types of treatments, find out without obligation.
They usually measure from 1.3 to 1.6 cm, when they are adults they have a toasted brown color, they usually have a lighter line on the thorax that differentiates them from the others. The Germanic cockroach is usually introduced into our homes or commercial premises with the purchase, with some second-hand device, receipt of merchandise, it is usually transported from one place to another, it does not enter through the drains.
It is not necessary to leave the house or close the business to be able to treat it, without any risk to your health, find out without obligation.
At Goldservice we can provide you with capture traps and the attractant that will help you if there is no localized swarm. If you know where it is, our technicians can eliminate it quickly and safely.
and not break the ecological balance of the planet, without them a large part of our diet would disappear. The bees are protected, which is why at Goldservice the swarm is collected by beekeepers to protect the ecosystem.
where there have been animals before, even if the house has been uninhabited for a long time, this is because they can be lethargic until they find the appropriate conditions to survive.
- Their bites are not painful, they have a dark spot and a red area around it, they usually make 2 or 3 bites in a row in the same area.
- Living in the country it is difficult to fully protect your dog or cat from the risk of catching fleas.
- When they have fleas, they tend to scratch more frequently. There are specific products that are sold in aviaries or veterinarians to help keep our pets flea-free.
If the problem has spread around the house or outside and you cannot control it, call us and we can help you.
Rata Gris (Rattus Norvegicus)
Entran en nuestros negocios y viviendas a través de sumideros, bajantes, falsos techos, puertas, ventanas, wc, en busca de comida. Son portadoras de enfermedades.
Rata Negra (Rattus rattus)
árboles, enredaderas etc… Suelen entrar en nuestras casas o negocios a través de vegetación pegada a la casa o establecimiento. Es importante mantener una poda estricta, prestar más atención a las ramas y árboles más cercanos a las paredes, balcones y ventanas. En Goldservice utilizamos sistemas seguros para que no puedan ser manipulados por niños ni animales.
Ratón común (Mus musculus)
de nuestra comida y haciendo sus nidos con los materiales que encuentran en la instalación donde se refugian. Por este motivo, causan daños materiales, estructurales, eléctricos, etc.., además pueden trasmitir enfermedades como la rabia, salmonelosis, peste, cólera, etc.., al tener contacto con nuestros alimentos.
Bird control
There are several effective systems, which do not cause any harm, depending on each situation, it will be studied which may be the most appropriate. Call us and we will inform you without any kind of commitment.
Bedbugs move from one place to another with our clothes, suitcases, second-hand furniture, it is more associated with tourist establishments, such as campsites, hotels, hostels, due to the multitude of clients they have in a year. More and more we find them in our private homes.
They reproduce very quickly and since the products have great persistence, it is very difficult to kill them, so it is better to have pest control professionals to put an end to the problem.
At GoldService we have 100% effectiveness in our treatments, thanks to our extensive experience.
At GoldService we can offer you a BEDBUGS FREE preventive system for the hotel sector. Bedbugs Free is an effective and sustainable method for tourist establishments, such as campsites, hotels, hostels, etc… that helps them prevent the appearance of bedbugs and proceed correctly in case there is an infestation through the clients’ suitcases .
Today there is no possibility of carrying out a preventive treatment with chemical products, without thereby having unsustainable environmental and economic repercussions in the long term. Our correctly implanted Bedbugs Free system minimizes the risk in 90% of cases and has excellent results.
You can also find information in our section on how to prevent and eliminate mosquitoes in Barcelona.
Call us now
Contact GoldService – Prevention and elimination of bedbugs
Eliminate pests in any town on the island of Ibiza and Formentera. Now. Personalized budget and without commitment.
Call us in one click! +34 971 30 55 82
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Visit us at our offices
Crta. San Jose Km. 1,1
07817 – Sant Jordi
Monday – Friday 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday and Sunday Closed

Goldservice has approved systems to offer air quality control in any type of room, be it industrial buildings, offices and homes. Discover all our services in our air quality section.

Water is necessary for life, but it is also a perfect transmitter of diseases that go directly to our body. It is also a perfect means of attraction for all kinds of pests. Some of them use the water for their reproduction, depositing their larvae. If you need more information, visit our water analysis service.

It is not only compliance with current regulations, food safety is usually quite responsible for most of the pests that occur in homes and businesses. Find out more about our food safety services.

At Goldservice we adjust to your needs, personalized varied courses to meet the needs of each client.
Visit our training room.