We prevent and eliminate cockroaches in Barcelona
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Tell us about your pest problem in Barcelona, whatever it is, we will give you the best solution to control it at the moment. Forget pests today!
Recommendations for pest prevention
Cockroaches in the city of Barcelona, as in any other city, reproduce quickly, since they find everything they need to maintain themselves, such as: humidity, organic remains, shelters in sewers or structures in poor condition, apart from the hot and humid climate that they need.
Most common species that we can find inBarcelona
- The American cockroach is the one that we usually see the most on the street since it reproduces in sewers and enters our homes or premises through pipes, cracks, false ceilings, light boxes, etc., they love humidity and darkness. This type of cockroach is more active when the good weather starts, but that does not mean that there are not in winter, simply that when it is cold they hide, if you see them in winter, you probably have a serious problem.
- Germanic or German cockroach, it is the one that was formerly found mainly in the areas of the coffee machines in the bars, since they love the heat of the engines. Due to its great reproduction capacity, today it is found both in homes and in shops and public establishments. This species is the most difficult to eliminate if it becomes a large infestation and it will take a specialized company such as GoldService to eliminate it, for this reason it is very important for industries, hotels, restaurants, bars, etc… to have preventive maintenance for a specialized company like us and avoid both the problem and the bad image that it can give to its customers. This species of cockroach is active all year round and enters homes and businesses with the materials that we bring with the purchase, second-hand devices, suppliers, etc.
- Oriental cockroach. This species also likes dark and humid places such as basements, but they are also usually found in the field, corrals, farms, etc., their habits are more similar to the American cockroach.
Very important, there is nothing to kill the eggs called ootheca unless you find them and step on them or vacuum them with a vacuum cleaner, which is a complicated task since they tend to be placed in areas where we normally have difficult access, for this reason there are to wait for them to hatch to be able to kill them, the most important thing is to be able to break the reproduction cycle and we do this very well at Goldservice, since our extensive experience has given us the knowledge to know which product to use in each case in order to carry out the most effective treatment. At GoldService we solve problems.
Recommendations for pest prevention
It is essential to seal all cracks and ensure there are no gaps between kitchen and bathroom traps, as insects can infiltrate or hide in any crack, no matter how large. It is important to ensure that kitchen and bathroom drains are well covered.
Hygiene is essential to keep both establishments and homes free of pests. These organisms can feed on anything, so a clean environment is always safer. Garbage containers must be clean and properly covered.
We are frequently asked about the best time to carry out the treatment against cockroaches in Barcelona. The reality is that these insects are present throughout the year, although they are not always visible. The most crucial thing is to maintain a constant prevention against all types of insects and rodents in homes, neighborhood communities and businesses. In this way, we can keep them under control and avoid problems at any time of the year.
To eliminate them with household products is complicated if you really have a pest. This is because the products that are for domestic use do not have the same composition as the products that a company specialized in pest control in Barcelona can use, since these products are handled by qualified technicians to be able to use them. these without harming the environment and your health. At Goldservice we only harm cockroaches, for this reason your best option is a specialized company like us that will solve the problem quickly and efficiently.
Goldservice offers a comprehensive service in environmental health and pest control in private homes, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, airports and more. Count on us not only for pest control, but also for advice on analysis and treatment of water for the control of legionella, food and air, as well as training.
We take care that the image of your business does not have negative repercussions, always with the greatest discretion, both in the image of our technicians, as well as in our vehicles, even our name does not suggest that we are an exclusively pest control company.
We are committed to your health and the conservation of the environment, preserving at all times the fragile and precious ecosystem of Barcelona that we respect so much. For this reason, our company has a strict policy on the use of biocidal products, choosing those with the least toxicity and at the same time with the best results, offering the best value for money.
In addition to complying with all legal requirements, we consider many more security measures. Only with the sanitary registration does not guarantee a safe service. For this reason, we have a team of qualified technicians in biocide services, biologists, chemists, technicians in environmental sciences, dietetics and nutrition, in addition we are subscribed to specific information channels to anticipate the regulatory changes that continuously occur in our sector, to guarantee to our clients that at all times we will be aware of the current regulations that are increasingly demanding.
Most common pests in Barcelona
Suelen tener un color rojizo y puede llegar a medir 4 cm, pudiendo vivir hasta 20 meses.
La cucaracha americana entra en los comercios o domicilios habitualmente por los falsos techos, desagües, etc.
Una vez que se han introducido en nuestras viviendas o negocios, se reproducen muy rápido, cuando nos damos cuenta ya tenemos una plaga, de cada cucaracha que vemos posiblemente hay 30 más que no vemos.
Habitualmente solemos referirnos a los tratamientos para el control de cucarachas como fumigación, aunque no es la manera más adecuada, los tratamientos ya no son tan agresivos como antiguamente, para poder eliminar o controlar el problema. En Goldservice contamos con varios tipos de tratamientos, infórmese sin compromiso.
Suelen medir de 1,3 a 1,6 cm, cuando ya son adultos tienen un color marrón tostado, suelen tener en el tórax una línea más clara que las diferencia de las demás. La cucaracha germánica suele introducirse en nuestras casas o locales comerciales con la compra, con algún aparato de segunda mano, recepción de mercancía, se suele transportar de un sitio a otro, no entra por los desagües.
No hace falta dejar la vivienda o cerrar el negocio para poder tratarlo, sin ningún riesgo para su salud, infórmese sin compromiso.
En Goldservice les podemos proporcionar trampas de captura y el atrayente que les ayudará si no hay un enjambre localizado, en caso de que sepa donde se encuentra nuestros técnicos lo pueden eliminar de una forma rápida y segura.
y no romper el equilibrio ecológico del planeta, sin ellas una gran parte de nuestra alimentación desaparecería. Las abejas están protegidas, por eso en Goldservice se realiza la recogida del enjambre a través de apicultores para proteger el ecosistema.
donde antes haya habido animales, aunque la casa haya estado deshabitada mucho tiempo, esto es porque pueden estar aletargadas hasta que encuentren las condiciones apropiadas para sobre vivir.
- Sus picaduras no son dolorosas, tienen un punto oscuro y alrededor de él una zona roja, suelen hacer 2 ó 3 picaduras seguidas en la misma zona.
- Al vivir en el campo es complicado poder proteger totalmente a su perro o su gato del riesgo de coger pulgas.
- Cuando tienen pulgas se suelen rascar más frecuentemente, hay productos específicos que se venden en pajarerías o veterinarios para ayudar mantener a nuestras mascotas sin pulgas.
Si el problema se ha propagado por la casa o los exteriores y no consigue controlarlo, Llámenos podemos ayudarle.
Gray Rat (Rattus Norvegicus)
Entran en nuestros negocios y viviendas a través de sumideros, bajantes, falsos techos, puertas, ventanas, wc, en busca de comida. Son portadoras de enfermedades.
árboles, enredaderas etc… Suelen entrar en nuestras casas o negocios a través de vegetación pegada a la casa o establecimiento. Es importante mantener una poda estricta, prestar más atención a las ramas y árboles más cercanos a las paredes, balcones y ventanas. En Goldservice utilizamos sistemas seguros para que no puedan ser manipulados por niños ni animales.
Common mouse (Mus musculus)
de nuestra comida y haciendo sus nidos con los materiales que encuentran en la instalación donde se refugian. Por este motivo, causan daños materiales, estructurales, eléctricos, etc.., además pueden trasmitir enfermedades como la rabia, salmonelosis, peste, cólera, etc.., al tener contacto con nuestros alimentos.
Bird control
Existen varios sistemas eficaces, que no les producen ningún daño, dependiendo de cada situación se estudiará cual puede ser el más adecuado, Llámanos y te informaremos sin ningún tipo de compromiso.
Las chinches se mueven de un lado a otro con nuestra ropa, maletas, muebles de segunda mano, está más asociada establecimientos turísticos, como campings, hoteles, albergues, por la multitud de clientes que tienen en un año. Cada vez más las encontramos en nuestros domicilios particulares.
Se reproducen muy rápido y al tener gran persistencia a los productos cuesta mucho acabar con ellas, por eso es mejor contar con profesionales en control de plagas para poder acabar con el problema.
En GoldService tenemos un 100% de efectividad en nuestros tratamientos, gracias a nuestra amplia experiencia.
En GoldService podemos ofrecerte un sistema preventivo BEDBUGS FREE para el sector hotelero. Bedbugs Free es un método eficaz y sostenible para establecimientos turísticos, como campings, hoteles, albergues, etc… que les ayuda a prevenir la aparición de chinches y proceder de forma correcta en caso de que haya alguna infestación a través de las maletas de los clientes.
Hoy en día no existe la posibilidad poder hacer un tratamiento preventivo con productos químicos, sin tener por ello repercusiones ambientales y económicas insostenibles a largo plazo. Nuestro sistema Bedbugs Free implantado correctamente minimiza el riesgo en un 90% de los casos y tiene un excelente resultado.
También puede encontrar información en nuestra sección sobre cómo prevenir y eliminar mosquitos en Barcelona.
Llámenos ya.
Contact GoldService – Prevention and elimination of cockroach infestations
Eliminate and prevent cockroaches in any town in the province of Barcelona right now. Personalized budget and without commitment.
Call us in one click! +34 93 300 44 12
Write us in one click! infobcn@goldservice.es
Visit us at our offices
Plaça d’Ovidi Montllor, 1, local 2,
08820 El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona
Mondays – Fridays 9:00 – 18:00
Saturdays and Sundays Closed
Goldservice has approved systems to offer air quality control in any type of room, be it industrial buildings, offices and homes. Discover all our services in our air quality section.
Water is necessary for life, but it is also a perfect transmitter of diseases that go directly to our body. It is also a perfect means of attraction for all kinds of pests. Some of them use the water for their reproduction, depositing their larvae. If you need more information, visit our water analysis service.
It is not only compliance with current regulations, food safety is usually quite responsible for most of the pests that occur in homes and businesses. Find out more about our food safety services.
At Goldservice we adjust to your needs, personalized varied courses to meet the needs of each client.
Visit our training room.